What Is Laser Liposuction?
Laser Liposuction, or SmartLipo, is a proven and effective body contouring procedure that accomplishes a lot in one treatment. It not only removes fat and tightens skin, but laser liposuction also sculpts the body for a smooth, more natural appearance. The procedure is easy and completed in approximately 3 hours, depending on the size of the area. Best of all, downtime is minimal and you achieve a maximum result.
What Is Lipo 360?
Lipo 360 is a comprehensive liposuction procedure for the midsection of the body. It targets multiple areas – the abdomen, flanks (or love handles), and lower back areas. By completing this procedure 360 degrees around, you can create a more natural-looking, balanced appearance. Also, it eliminates unwanted fat in the waist and accentuates other curves (such as the buttocks).
What Is the Difference between Traditional Lipo and Laser Lipo?
Laser Lipo has revolutionized liposuction, the gold standard of fat reduction. But there are key differences between these two main types of liposuction. Traditional liposuction is typically more invasive, performed under general anesthesia, has noticeable scarring and a long recovery, and doesn’t have skin tightening benefits. Laser Liposuction is a minimally-invasive procedure using innovative technology that optimizes body contouring and skin tightening. It is performed under local anesthesia, so you are completely awake. Incisions are the size of a freckle, which means faster healing and little to no scarring. Recovery is fast and normal activity is typically resumed in 3-4 days.
What Is Involved During the Laser Liposuction Procedure?
The area to be treated is infused with a saline solution containing a local anesthetic. Then, a very small 1-3mm (“freckle mark”) incision is made in the skin. A tiny cannula (tube) containing a laser fiber is inserted that emits laser energy directly to the fat cells. This causes the fat cells to burst and the liquified fat is gently suctioned out of the body. The heat from the laser results in less bleeding, swelling, and bruising. This means you heal faster and there are no stitches. The SmartLipo laser also stimulates the growth of collagen, which will continue to tighten your skin.
What Is Renuvion® Skin Tightening?
Renuvion is a minimally invasive skin tightening procedure commonly used with laser liposuction that shrinks and sculpts sagging skin. Renuvion delivers helium gas and radiofrequency (RF) energy, which converts to plasma, under the outer layer of skin. Renuvion quickly heats to the ideal temperature to shrink the skin tissue in the targeted areas, revealing a more toned and youthful appearance. Then the tissue is cooled in less than one second!