If you’re feeling self-conscious about stubborn cellulite dimples, particularly on your buttocks and thighs, we offer a cutting-edge solution that could be right for you: Avéli®. Avéli is the latest FDA-approved, minimally invasive treatment for cellulite. It’s designed to target and smooth out those unwanted dimples, giving your skin a more even, youthful appearance and helping you feel more confident in your own skin.
What Is Avéli?
Avéli targets cellulite by precisely cutting the fibrous bands (septa) beneath the skin that cause dimpling on the buttocks and thighs. It’s a one-time treatment that delivers a significant and long-lasting reduction of cellulite on the buttocks and thighs. Most sessions take about 90 minutes.
How it works: With Aveli’s advanced technology, we use a handheld device that can determine the precise location of each septa band with complete accuracy. Once the targeted septa band under the skin is identified, the device hooks and releases the band, instantly smoothing the overlying skin. Unlike other treatments, Avéli provides real-time confirmation that the bands have been fully released.